Monday 21 February 2011

Confused Media?

What exactly is our culture?

Hasn't this question been doing rounds since so many years...BUT we have failed to get any solid answer up till now? Now instead of helping clear this confusion, the media is adding to it.

A few days back on valentines day, the media was obsessively showing stuff related to the event. They went to the extent of setting up dates between actors and audience...! AND now on eid-e milad un Nabi(saww) the same channels are having naat khawans as their guests, all adorned in dupattas, males with beards etc.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel the contradiction...*huh*?! Imagine i am a non-Muslim looking in on the Islamic teachings and culture...what do i see? On one side i claim to be a Muslim following the teachings of Holy Prophet(saww) and on the other hand i support events related to valentines. wouldn't that person logically conclude that this is what Islam promotes?

Seriously when will we wake up?! Either we can stop acting as ambassadors of Islam and distorting the image or we can realize for once what is our true identity and choose that instead of confusing everyone around us. This especially goes for our MEDIA!

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