Monday 25 July 2011

CSIH-Confused Sisters In Hijab

I think urban dictionary needs a new entry. My friend Sakina with her creative streak and input by Akbar came out with this very valuable and relevant term for current times.
CSIH-Confused Sisters In Hijab
  1.   Does Hijab but isn’t sure and worries about peer pressure.
  2.    Feels it’s not bad to show the front hairline.
  3.    Likes see-through scarves.
  4.   Thinks it’s ok to wear scarves till shoulders without covering chest.
  5.   Loves putting on loads of makeup especially eye makeup.
  6.  Puts on Hijab-less pictures on Social networking sites.
  7.   Thinks it’s ok to wear short sleeves and/or tight clothes with Hijab.
  8.  The famous Mickey Mouse Hijab-where the hair is fully covered yet the ears are adorned with earrings.
  9. Believes humps shouldn't be restricted to camels but should be added to hijabs as don't freak out if you see a hugggge hijab.  

So people i hope when you see the next one, recognition would be easier.


I know many of you would object or be amused by this comparison but ideas and guidance could come from any kind of sources. Yesterday i had gone to watch Harry Potter and it made me ponder on the point that what power does the oppressor hold if not for his/her supporters?! If in the movie, no one would have supported Voldermort, would he have managed to wreak the destruction he did, or would he have been resurrected?

There are many kinds of oppressors in this world, some in the world politics, some in the country, some in the community and some even in our homes. Have we ever thought that we might be the ones from whom the oppressors are deriving their power?! Have you ever stopped and considered whose side are you supporting?

Many times we think that we might not be able to make a difference, but just look how one action of lying to Voldermort by Draco's mother helped the cause of Harry. The events might have taken a very different turn if she had told that Harry was alive. So never belittle the power you might have to change the course of history.

We always complain about oppression but BEWARE that it might be you that's providing the lifeline to the oppressor. So please STOP and THINK!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Call of God

Usually whenever we hear the sound of Azaan, we keep on sitting and go pray salat at our time of leisure. This often happens when we have watched our favorite TV shows, talked to friends on phone/internet etc. Have we ever stopped and pondered that what exactly is the sound of azaan? Its a call to us by Allah(swt). As one scholar put it when our cell rings, do we delay in picking up or do we do so at the first bell? Why is it so important to accept the call of a person at the first instant and Allah(swt) call at the most delayed time.

Imagine how much effort people make to meet prime ministers, presidents, high ranking officials etc. So many calls and connections need to be made in order to get just 5 minutes of their time. Imagine how many lines people stand in just to get a chance to meet these people and ask for their need. Now look at Allah(swt), the highest authority, the Creator, yet its his rehmat that he allows us audience with him 5 times a day. What effort do we have to make? Just ablution(wudhu) and stand in front of him. Pray about anything we want. Yet we dont utilize this opportunity. Makes one wonder at our stupidity...doesn't it?! We have a chance to meet the most Powerfull, the Almighty yet we let it go, we don't jump at the opportunity.

Isn't it time we asked ourselves(me including) that what in the world is wrong with us? why can't we see the truth.
O Master of Time, Imam Al-Asr(ajtf) please intercede on our behalf and remove this veil of darkness from our hearts which doesn't let us realize whats the best thing for us...Ameen.

Monday 18 July 2011


Riyya could be termed as the act of trying to show off for others while engaging in worship. Its something that many of us might suffer from while not even being aware. Its a problem and sometimes it scares me to think that after death we might realize that all our worship had been based on riyya.
While reading an article about the life of Aytollah Behjat(r.a) some lines really struck me. Here is the excerpt:

Agha Behjat stated in reply, “Riya is only relevant in acts of worship (‘ibadat). And any act of worship that has riya associated with it is a sin, and it makes the act null and void.
However, riya itself can become a counter and cure for riya, by simply changing the focus of who one is trying to impress! If a man can approach a president to sort out his problem directly, would he waste time in trying to convince the president’s servants? In the same manner, if a man has sense, he would raise his sights from the people, and attempt to impress and perfect his actions for God, who is the Creator of man - this attitude would itself become the cure for his riya.”
At another time, he said, “About riya, there is a hadith that says, “Whoever tries to impress the people by his manner of prayers (salat), will be resurrected in the form of a donkey.” And this is quite true because what can be more donkey-like than a man trying to impress the slaves of God instead of directing his attention to God Himself?! Now, if someone calls us a donkey, we feel insulted, but why should we feel insulted, if night and day our acts resemble those of a donkey?”
ref: Biography of Ayatollah Behjat

Even apart from riyya, we focus too much on what people think, or how they may react to us doing certain things. For example we sometimes nod our heads while people are gossiping just to be part of a group, or we have issue wearing hijab, keeping a beard or giving up music. We worry about the labels people might put on us. But what Ayt. Behjat(r.a) said was so simple, just change the focus. When we are getting the approval of the highest Authority, the one that matters the most, the Creator, Allah(swt) then why do we need to worry about anyone else? If he is happy with us what do others matter?
Please next time someone upsets you, insults you or stereotypes you...just remember that no one's opinion matters except that of Allah(swt). Just make it an aim to please him and no one else.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


My lovely friend fauzia told me a story was so deep and beautiful that i thought i just had to share.

The story is told of a dervish who went to visit a great Sufi master. Seeing his affluence, the dervish thought to himself, "How can Sufism and such prosperity go hand in hand?"
After staying a few days with the master, he decided to leave. The master said, "Let me accompany you on your journey!"
After they had gone a short distance, the dervish noticed that he had forgotten his KASHKUL, the begging-bowl. So he asked the master for permission to return and get it.
The master replied, "I departed from all my possessions, but u can’t even leave behind ur begging-bowl. Thus, we must part company from here."
Attachments in this world can be to any kind of things. We normally think that its for wealth...even for apparent cheap things attachment can hold us back. Its important to set our priorities straight.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


I am not gonna write some long winding post this time around. Just thought about something that popped in my mind as i was coming home.  On the way i saw so many shack like houses, or houses made out of cloth. These people dont have private rooms or bathrooms. All just live in one big tent like room.

Now consider this we complain so much about taking hijab, or how we have so much social pressure blah blah. The list of not taking hijab just goes on and on. But think about these women who live in the tents...can you imagine how hard it is for them. How can they even manage to do hijab with all the open space. Even the bathrooms dont have roofs.

Also imagine that they dont have any electricity. On the other hand imagine us even complaining about feeling hot in hijab under fans.

Please think about the easy position you are in to do hijab and thank God for it. Ask for his mercy when you look at such people. These are the everyday things we should ponder over!

Sunday 10 July 2011


These days we look around and see what the state of the world has become. There is no peace, all one sees is violence and anxiety. Talking a bit about my own country, it seems to hold more true. I wonder that where are the khomenies(r.a), behjats(r.a), tabatabies(r.a) of this time? Why dont we have such leaders anymore? Whats lacking in Pakistan that we are deprived of such leadership? Is this not the simplest solution? If a leader like that comes all problems might go away? Thinking about this made me wonder that is it not something lacking in the parenting skills that has created this vacuum? If only the mothers of today realized what power and opportunity they had within their grasp.

A recent narration of an event made me strongly wonder about this point. A very famous and pious narrator/scholar(maybe sheik at-thani-r.a. or sheikh tusi-r.a....not sure) lived all his life with utmost piety and never even got involved in any makrooh activity. After a few years when he was married and had kids, one day a guy came and complained that his kid had damaged some possession he had. The sheikh was  distressed to an extreme. He thought to himself...Ya Allah(swt) i have never involved myself in even a makhrooh is it possible that my kid did such a thing. While he was thinking this he remembered that once when his wife was pregnant she had taken a needle and pierced someone else's pomegranate and tasted the juice. At this point he realized what the consequence of such an activity had on his kid.

Can you even begin to imagine the implication of this event? Look how even the smallest of our actions have an affect on the kids. Yet we pay no heed to whats happening...we just go on with our business without taking the upbringing of the kids seriously.

Another event related to this is about Bibi Fatima(s.a). Once she was working on the wheat mill and taking care of her son Imam Hussain(a.s) [i think?] when Hazart Salman-e Farsi(a.s) showed up and told her to let him help her with some difficult task so that her burden may be divided. Bibi(a.s) accepted his request and asked him to work on the wheat mill. Do you think that a person from Ahlul Bayt(s.a) would give a harder task to someone else and themselves take the light one. No...right? that means Bibi(a.s) knew that taking care of a kid was the most difficult task and gave Hazrat Salman(a.s) the lighter task. Even for a second she didnt trust someone as pious and pure as Hazrat Salman(a.s) to take care of her kids.

Yet look at people around us...leaving their kids with ayahs and maids. With not a concern as to what their kids might be learning.

All day long we wonder at the state of affairs of the world and especially our country Pakistan. Yet the solution is simple...raise someone like Imam Khomeni(r.a.). Is someone up for the challenge? Or is whining simply easier?

Please ponder over the power granted to you as parents and especially as mothers.

Here is a reference for people who might be interested to know how to manage the upbringing of their children: Principles of Upbringing Children

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Heaven to Hell

Salam and Hello everyone,

So i had gone to Iran for ziyarat and it was the most amazing experience one can ask for. You must be wondering why i named this post heaven to hell...well someone jokingly said thats what we should name our trip from Iran to Pakistan...:P.
To all those patriots out there please put a hand on your heart BUT it would be the truth when i say i truly realized the dire state of Pakistan after visiting Iran. I have realized that our government treats us much worse than animals. It amazing how one comes to accept the treatment they are given when one remains in the same state for a long time. I think that's what has happened to us as Pakistanis as well. A breath of fresh air from Iran gave me a new perspective on the place where our country is heading.

It may seem a dumb thing to many but it was a novelty to me when i was able to roam the streets of Iran alone as an unsupervised female without any security issues. Imagine the deprived lives we live here in Pakistan...we cant even walk out alone.

*Sigh* feeling too sad to write any more...but insha'Allah have a few issues in mind that i want to talk about. Insha'Allah soon when i get out of my bluesy mood.

Adios till then!