I met a friend recently who has been out of Pakistan for a few years and she made me realize how frustrated and impatient we as a nation have become and therefore i felt it was relevant to write something about this topic. Its true that in current times every step is full of difficulty and calamities, it is very easy to lose patience and become frustrated. Life can seem oppressive at times and it almost seems impossible to move on. It's at these times it's important to keep certain traditions and narrations in mind to help one get over the frustrations and disappointments and be patient. Below i am relating some of these narrations:

Al-Mizan-Chapter 13
Living the Right Way by Ayatullah Jawad Tehraani
WASIYATNAMA (Last Will & Testament) Ayatullah Shaikh Abdulla Mamkani (a.r.)'s will to his children, relatives, well-wishers and friends
Beware! Your patience should not be like those of ordinary people. Instead of remaining patient, they were more concerned with their exhibition of patience. This is Riyakari. The patience of muttaqi (pious) people should be such in which there is hope of reward in the hereafter. Arifs (those who have knowledge about the qualities of Allah) should be such that at the time of patience, they should enjoy their hardships because these hardships have been given by the Beloved who is aware of its result.
Allah the Most High said: “O you who believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient.”
He also said: “And give good news to the patient. Who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: 'Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return.' Those are they on whom are blessings and mercy from their Lord, and those are the followers of the right course.”
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) said: “There are three kinds of forbearance: Forbearance in misfortune, forbearance in obedience and forbearance against disobedience.”
Imam 'Ali (a.s.) the Commander of the Faithful said: “The role of patience in actions is like the role of the head among the organs of the body. If the head is gone the organs become useless and if patience is gone actions are useless.”
And seek assistance through patience and prayer; and most surely it is a hard thing, except for the humble ones (2:45), who know that they shall meet their Lord and that they shall return to Him (2:46).
Imam As-Sādiq (a. s.) said: "Whenever ‘Alī (a.s.) faced a difficulty, he used to stand up for the prayer and then recite this verse: and seek assistance through patience and prayer." (al-Kāfī)Yeah things can seem very difficult at times BUT just remember these traditions and keep in mind the tragedy of Kerbala. How Imam Hussain(a.s) kept on moving even after he had to carry so many bodies, face so many enemies alone, he didn't give up but went ahead with his mission with patience and forbearance.
Al-Mizan-Chapter 13
Living the Right Way by Ayatullah Jawad Tehraani
WASIYATNAMA (Last Will & Testament) Ayatullah Shaikh Abdulla Mamkani (a.r.)'s will to his children, relatives, well-wishers and friends
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