Sunday, 30 October 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

This is not gonna be a long post, just a question i want to ask. Yesterday i was watching the program in which a guy has the ability to see the true nature of people. For example if someone is a killer, thief etc he is able to see. This made me think about how Islam talks about people changing into different animals to reflect their true nature after death.
Have you ever really thought about who you truly are? Are you sure that if you look into a mirror with a clear eyesight you will see a human and not an animal? even if you are fooling the world, can you fool yourself as well? Have you become so deceived yourself that when you look in the mirror you don't see your reality?!

Please be honest and truly look into the mirror to see yourself for who you are, otherwise it might be too late. Rather than being raised as a human after death, you might just be an animal.

It has been recorded from the Prophet (S) of God that some persons will be raised on the Last Day in such a mien that even monkeys and dog flies will appear better looking than that. It is also possible that several forms may be prescribed for one individual in that world. Because that world is not like this world, where one individual cannot acquire more than one form. This account itself is logical as well as self-evident. Because, the criterion of those different forms (of which human form is one) would be the state of soul at the time of death the state in which the soul departs from the body. It is in this very state and form that man's soul enters the realm of Barzakh. At the time of entering the other world, that is, the domain of the Hereafter, the first stage of which is Barzakh, in whichever state one's soul departs from the body, it assumes a form suited to it in the next world also. It is the same form in which he is perceived by the inhabitants of Barzakh and by himself, when he first opens his eyes there, if he has not lost his sight to do so. Because, it is not necessary that man may enter the next world in the same physical state as he had in this world. God Himself says that on the Last Day some of the persons will ask God that why has He raised them as blind while they possessed eyes in the world. God will answer them that as they disregarded His clear signs in the world, they are forgotten and disregarded by God today.
ref:First Hadith: On the Tradition of the Forty Ahadith

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