With so much anxiety and frustration coming one's way these days, it can be very easy to lose your akhlaq. As the world has become more fast paced, selfish and self centered it is easy to be disappointed or hurt by the behavior of people. In such times, its easy to feel if that person doesn't behave well with us, why should we? This can affect our behavior with our friends, family and even strangers. It more so effects when someone close to us hurst us or misbehaves with us.

The important thing to remember is the lesson taught to us by Ahlulbayt(s.a). To sum it up they always showed us that no matter how anyone behaves we should never shirk on our responsibilities and generosity. Once someone asked one of the Imam(a.s) that these people misbehave with you so much, yet you still answer their questions and help them? The Imam(a.s) replied that they may have forgotten that i am their Imam but i haven't forgotten that they are my followers.
Once when Imam Hassan Askari(a.s) was in the prison, a shia of the imam(a.s) managed to get 4 pomegranates to him. At that time, he was being guraded by a very cruel secuirty guard who always used to harass the imam(a.s).In those days imam(a.s) was only being fed 2 loaves of bread and cold water. After giving the fruit to the imam(a.s), the guard was giving hungry looks to the fruit. Imam(a.s) looked at the guard and told him to take one of the fruits. After sometime, the imam(a.s) notice that the guard still hadn't eaten the fruit, so he inquired. The guard replied that he was saving it for his kids. On hearing this the Imam(a.s) gave him the rest of the fruit as well so he could eat some himself and save the rest. Imagine the level of generosity...even though the guard forgot his akhlaq and responsibility, the Imam(a.s) remembered what he(a.s) had to do.
Sometimes we feel that our parents, our relatives or friends are being unfair and we start misbehaving. It is understandable more so in close family situations especially if you feel slighted or mistreated by your parents or some close relatives. At such times, we shouldn't give up hope and forget our manners. These people and relations might have forgotten their responsibilities BUT we shouldn't. Doing so will only earn us sins. We should trust Allah(swt) and preform our duties and responsibilities for HIS(swt) sake and trust only HIM to do right by us instead of basing our expectations on people.
Keep your hand extended for the sake of Allah(swt).
The important thing to remember is the lesson taught to us by Ahlulbayt(s.a). To sum it up they always showed us that no matter how anyone behaves we should never shirk on our responsibilities and generosity. Once someone asked one of the Imam(a.s) that these people misbehave with you so much, yet you still answer their questions and help them? The Imam(a.s) replied that they may have forgotten that i am their Imam but i haven't forgotten that they are my followers.
Once when Imam Hassan Askari(a.s) was in the prison, a shia of the imam(a.s) managed to get 4 pomegranates to him. At that time, he was being guraded by a very cruel secuirty guard who always used to harass the imam(a.s).In those days imam(a.s) was only being fed 2 loaves of bread and cold water. After giving the fruit to the imam(a.s), the guard was giving hungry looks to the fruit. Imam(a.s) looked at the guard and told him to take one of the fruits. After sometime, the imam(a.s) notice that the guard still hadn't eaten the fruit, so he inquired. The guard replied that he was saving it for his kids. On hearing this the Imam(a.s) gave him the rest of the fruit as well so he could eat some himself and save the rest. Imagine the level of generosity...even though the guard forgot his akhlaq and responsibility, the Imam(a.s) remembered what he(a.s) had to do.
Sometimes we feel that our parents, our relatives or friends are being unfair and we start misbehaving. It is understandable more so in close family situations especially if you feel slighted or mistreated by your parents or some close relatives. At such times, we shouldn't give up hope and forget our manners. These people and relations might have forgotten their responsibilities BUT we shouldn't. Doing so will only earn us sins. We should trust Allah(swt) and preform our duties and responsibilities for HIS(swt) sake and trust only HIM to do right by us instead of basing our expectations on people.
Keep your hand extended for the sake of Allah(swt).
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