Thursday, 19 April 2012

Not human...?!

A nice breeze was blowing, the weather was lovely and delicious smell of grilled kebabs and tikkas was wafting through the air, making the mouth water when suddenly my eyes fell on a young boy sitting on the darkened steps of a closed shop, crying and rubbing his eyes.

 Don't worry this isn't a scene out of some fictional drama, rather it is the reality of Pakistan that i witnessed less than 30 minutes ago!

What has this country become, heaven for some and hell for others. The great big politicians, the fancy elites don't care if 90% of the country is without electricity, water, gas or food. Would it be wrong to ask someone that how the kebab go down their throat when they see that boy crying on the stairs? Or is it not their fault and they simply missed him on those steps? I don't know what the answer is but it is definitely a lesson for everyone.

Think about this young boy when you whine the next time you aren't able to get some luxurious item, or when you make a face at some dish on your table just because you didn't like it. Think very hard the next time you waste food on your plate, or make  a face at 20 dresses hanging in your closet just because they are 2 months old.

How many times do you sit and ponder over such kids? Does it break your heart to see such scenes?

O Imam(ajtf) it is another eve of Friday and the world is still without you, the oppression is increasing. O imam(ajtf) please come soon...he heart cries for you.

First thought or After thought...?!

You know how sometimes we feel so bad because we realize that we are nothing but an after thought for people...its only when they get free from all the other things, wrap up their pending businesses that they realize that you also exist. When such a realization comes how our heart breaks and then we start feeling sorry for ourselves or start moments of these negative thoughts and self pity have you ever reflected that whether Islam has also become an after thought for you?!

Is it so that when you finish all your other activities that you start praying even if it means praying 5 minutes before the salat gets qadha?

Or do you make time to read a dua/Quran only when you feel you have nothing else to do or no other matter to attend to?

Does it happen often that you push a religious book, text or some fiqh related reading at the back of the shelf until you get done with all the other readings?

If the answer to all such questions is "YES"...then before falling victim to self-pity and negative thoughts try to analyze why something that was supposed to be the most important thing for you has become an after thought?! An example given by a zakira once really got to me; she said that when our cell phone rings we get an urgent need to answer it at the first call BUT when we hear Adhan and we are called towards Allah(swt) we ignore it and choose the last moment to answer it. Have you ever thought why this is so? Is there someone more important than Allah(swt) that you need to answer to?
Before delving into why we have become an after thought, ponder over the fact that why has Islam become an after thought for you...!!!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Valentine's Day

So another eve of 14th February is here and after living my whole life in *Islamic republic of Pakistan* it doesn't stop surprising me the kind of hypocrisy and wannabee-ness present in this fortress of Islam. I mean you would think that a community who follows Islam and knows that all contact between na-mahrams is haram would discourage a day that promotes such kind of love, right?! BUT no the irony of this beautiful fortress is that it can have crowds screaming themselves hoarse on the issue of blasphemy, hudood ordinance, mullahs frothing at the mouth on western societies infringing upon islamic rights, people being scandalized by meera and veena, tv show hosts chasing couples in parks YET most of these people celebrate valentine's with a fervor or if not celebrate see no objection in it. I have yet to see some TV channel come out and condemn the promotion of this day which sees no shame in na maharm couples going on dates and exchanging love notes.

I fail to understand that people who just a few days ago were having a festival for the birth of Holy Prophet(pbuh) are now running to shops to buy hearts, cards, chocolates etc to declare love for their unislamic relationships. Channels that were just a few days ago showing naats and milaads are now celebrating this day? I mean dudes and dudetts at least stick to one stance. Either try to act your wanna bee liberal self or act islamic. Whats this new fusion of two clashing ideologies wrapped in one package? Can we confuse the coming generations any more? Is this what Islam teaches us? Is this the only stupid way to celebrate your love...based on one day?

Some may come up and question that maybe it's wrong for unmarried couples to exchange gifts and love declarations but whats wrong with married couples or friends doing it?! Well my dear brothers and sisters, its not about who is doing it....its about what the day symbolizes...its these kind of practices that are being followed. Even if you are in a halal relationship, by supporting the day, you are supporting all the haram taking place as well. So for heaven sake, wake up and stop these messed up practices being followed up in a country that is already a cesspool!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

What is Love?

Many times we claim that we love someone or something BUT have we truly analyzed if our love is sincere or true? I was listening to a lecture by Ayt. Aqeel Ul Gharvi and thought he defined love in a beautiful way. If all of us were to apply and use that definition and then claim we love someone, our lives might become more peaceful and conflict free.

Love is nothing but appreciation and respect for someone or something and giving them their right due. In urdu the word of "qadardani" can be used for it. For example Allah(swt) granted parents children. Now love of children means that parents appreciate them and give them their right due. Like if they are hungry, give them food; they need education, give them education; give them water if they are thirsty; give them clothes if they need them etc. In a nutshell appreciate them and give them their right.
Now imagine a mother holding a toddler while he/she is crying out of hunger. If the mother just keeps on saying "my love don't cry" and keeps on patting him without addressing the issue of hunger, would you say the mother loves the kid even if she repeats it a million times that she loves him?!

Therefore appreciation means giving the ones we love their rights. If we say we love someone and don't give them their rights then its not true love. Love means to recognize the other's rights and needs. So if you truly love Allah(swt) and alhulbayt(s.a) then give them their rights and only then would you be able to claim that you love them. Otherwise its nothing but empty claims of love. Saying you love Allah(swt) without praying means you have no love and are just deluding yourself.

Wake up and realize what true love is all about, just celebrating valentines, mother's day, father's day or xyz day doesn't show true love. True love takes place every breathing moment when you recognize the need of your loved ones and fulfill them. Just giving your parents or your spouse flowers on these days means zilch if you are not giving them their due.


Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Void...

I usually don't use this blog space as a personal story place but you know how there are some people who are worth mentioning and sometimes you want the whole world to know about them, well my nani(maternal grandmother) was one of those people. She died in the month of Safar this year. Initially i had thought not to talk about her death as i thought it was something too personal to share but over the weeks the feeling of penning about her has gradually increased. You know how the tears and sadness wells up inside you, i think sometimes the only way to let it go is to write it down.

She was one of those lovely people who have truly inspired and helped my personality. In this messed up world full of selfish and mean people she was that safe corner where one could go and hide and forget about everything. Since the time i have been fully aware of my surroundings i have seen her totally focused on her worship and devotion to Ahlulbayt(s.a). But the best thing about her was that she was one of those cool people with whom i could talk about religion as well as watch sports and chill out. It's one of those sweet memories to remember when Pakistan cricket team was about to lose and we used to plead to our nani to start doing tasbeeh for the team. So many of the prayers and duas that i have learned have come from her, i would have been quite ignorant if it weren't for her. I still remember this one time i was staying with her and she asked me to recite Iqbal's poems for her. One memory i think i can never forget is the time when i was little and was left with my nani for babysitting. She used to make the perfect fried eggs with toast n' butter and  a glass of cold mango squash. Then she used to set up everything in a tray and put it infront of me while i watched cartoons. Although over the years i have stopped eating eggs, but i am sure no one can make eggs as good as hers.

Although she lost a young son in her life, i never heard her complain to Allah(swt) or how she had suffered that tragedy. All the time she talked about patience and trust in Allah(swt). I remember the times when anyone of us from the family used to talk about problems and how things are getting difficult...she would always smile her typical soft smile and point above and say that trust in Allah(swt)...HE(swt) always helps.

Now when she is not here, looking back at her life makes me realize how piety truly moulds a person. Her prayers had made her mind so alert that even in pain and in her old age she was well aware of her surroundings and for a moment did not leave her senses. When she was about to die she was speaking out in pain but when the moment came really near she just stopped the pain sounds and started slowly reciting some duas or some Dhikr. This made me realize that no matter how much wealth people think they can accumulate in the end it's only your piety that is going to get you through to the other end. Her life also makes me reflect on the narration that says that live life in a manner that when you die everyone cries for you. She was a true embodiment of that. Everyone from close friends, to domestic helpers to far off friends and families broke down after hearing about her death. And people couldn't stop saying what a great person she truly was. I can go on an on about her but the space and time is limited. Suffice is to say she was truly one of the awesomest person i have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

I don't know whether i was that perfect granddaughter or not but still she showered me with so much love and attention. Even a few days before her death when i went to meet her, she was so overexcited and overjoyed to see me that for a moment i was taken aback at the deep sense of love that i felt from her. Time spent with her are some of the warmest moments of my life when i knew that this person loved me for me and not for something that i had or for something selfish. It was one of those selfless love so hard to find these days. I can't describe the void left in my life with her death, she was the last link to that generation and time which still showed hope of selflessness and sincerity.  Even when she is gone, she has left her legacy of duas and devotion to Ahlulbayt(s.a) for me; the last thing that i inherited of her is her dua book, covered in a cloth specially sewn by her.

I just hope and pray that Allah(swt) eases things for her in her after life. If you ever read through this please pray for her maghfirat and say a surah Fatiha for her.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

10 Ways to Avoid Marrying the Wrong Person

With the current breakdown in the institution of marriage, i thought this article would be worth sharing with everyone.

10 Ways to Avoid Marrying the Wrong Person

I especially liked this part which i feel is very prevalent in Pakistan society. People are so awed by the outer appearance and the materialistic value of the person that they forget to see what truly matters.

The fact is no one looks 25 forever.  Ultimately, we love the person we marry for more than their appearance.  When we get to know someone we love and admire, we’ll love them for their inner beauty and overall essence.
Morality and spirituality are the qualities that truly define someone in addition to beauty, money, and health.  The morally upright and spiritual person will stand by your side during adversity and hardship.  If someone isn’t God-conscience and doesn’t take themselves into account with God then why should you expect them to fulfill their rights owed to you? The ideal partner is someone who considers giving a gain and not causing a loss.  Having a mutual and shared spiritual relationship will foster a successful marriage.  Furthermore, a successful marriage is one that keeps the laws of family purity which require a certain degree of self-control and self-discipline, as well as the belief that the physical side of the relationship includes the spiritual and emotional side as well.  Finding commonality and balance between the spiritual and emotional aspects of a relationship is a strong key to a healthy and thriving marriage. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012


Sometimes i get labeled for being a cynic and a pessimist BUT really its amusing that even when i try to give people the benefit of the doubt it always turns back to that original cynical deduction...Ironic?! Lol...sometimes people and things are too amusing!

Like usually someone you know calls you up and you feel that initial delight with that lingering negative  thought that maybe they need something from you BUT you push it back thinking no they might just be missing you or want to talk to you. *Sigh* how wrong could one be...*sarcastic smile* [wish blog had some emoticons]. Well should i really blame them or am i the same way...*wonders*.  Have we become so embroiled in our own little world, trying every moment to catch up to this world which keeps on alluding us?! Are we also part of that crazy race to reach the top of the materialistic pyramid?! Is every relation and everything just about getting favors from people?! Has the sincere love between relations vanished....just to be replaced by a materialistic relationship?!

Just before you go to sleep, dwell on the fact that how many people and relations you just call or ask about when you need a favor. Sad Times!!!

May Allah(swt) hasten the reappearance of Imam(ajtf).

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

So you think you are a shia?!

This is what Imam Jaffar Sadiq(a.s) had to say about shia:
Surely, we (the Ahl al-Bayt) were created from the divine light (nur) of Allah and our Shia (followers) were created from other than this divine light (nur - of a lower grade). So then when the Day of Judgment takes place, the lower grades will be joined with the higher grades (of light).
Then he (prayers be upon him) put his two fingers together (index and middle finger) and said to him (al-Mufaddhal), “Just like this (will these two divine lights be joined together).”
The Imam (prayers be upon him) then said to him (al-Mufaddhal): “O’ Mufaaahal! Do you know why the Shia have been call Shia? O’ Mufaddhal our Shiaa (true followers) are from us (from our divine light) and we in turn are from our Shia. Do you see where this sun rises from?”.

I (al-Mufaddhal) said, “It rises from the East.”
The Imam (prayers be upon him) then asked, “And where does it return to?”
I (al-Mufaddhal) said, “It sets in the West.”
The Imam (prayers be upon him) then said, “Our Shia are just the same as this (the way the Sun rises and sets).
They have come from us (our direction) and thus, they will return to us (our presence).” 

Now ask yourself are you worthy of this definition? Can you still call your self a shia or just simply a lover of Ahlulbayt(s.a)?! Don't give yourself a title and think all those ahdith gloirfying shia are for us....those are for the shia of this definition!

Ray of Light...

I realize that everything in Pakistan is a disappointment these days, not a waking moment goes by when you feel this depressive feeling and heart sinking when thinking about whats happening to this country. I think i have now gone into denial mode about the condition of Pakistan by following the policy of "ignorance is bliss". I don't remember the last time i had something to smile about when thinking about the country or seeing the people around me, that's why i was really pleasantly surprised by an incident this morning.

As i was parked at a red light, i suddenly heard people arguing loudly. Upon turning i saw a middle aged woman with her daughter fighting with the driver of a rickshaw. The guy was literally in the woman's face, screaming at her. And once again i got that sharp depressive feeling realizing what has happened to this society where a man can't even respect a female enough to talk to her politely and with respect no matter how angry he is. Not only was this guy screaming at the woman but he was doing so loudly that all the traffic that had stopped  at the light was looking at what was going on. Now just imagine, standing at the road side with your young daughter while a guy is screaming at you and you are exposed to every strange eye. How worse can one feel?!

Just when i was about to enter that dark place of depression thinking that Pakistan has really become a hellhole(even that sounds a polite way of saying what is happening to the country), the shouting and arguing stopped. At that moment i realized a guy on a bike a few paces away from us had given money to the rickshaw driver, ending the argument and putting the woman out of her misery. Suddenly a ray of light pierced the dark place spreading a warm feeling in me. It made me realize why this country is still functioning...MAYBE JUST MAYBE a few decent people are still left in the country.

Do you realize what a small action of that guy did? You should think about such things when you complain and rant and wonder whats happening to the country....think about how such little acts can better the country. Although the pessimist that i am, i will not fail to mention(Ha Ha) that not a single male present in the long cue of traffic had the decency of getting out and telling the driver to back off and leave the woman alone. Anyways gotta take the little rays, maybe one day we might just have sunshine!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Protection from Satan Series-Part I

I had read a book a while back titled "Ista'aaza;Seeking Allah's Protection from Satan" by Shaeed E Mehrab Ayatollah  Abdul Hussain Dastghaib Shirazi.

Ayatollah Abdul Hussain Dastghaib Shirazi

I have started to read it again and thought i should summarize its main points and helpful things so that others can benefit from it as well. In this first part i will outline the various duas we should recite at different times and places to gain protection.

At the time of wearing the clothes one should say:
Allahumma astarurati wa la tajal alshaitan lahu naseeba
Translation: O Allah keep my private parts hidden and save them from the interference of Shaitan

while going to a washroom one should recite:
Allahumma inni a-oozu beka min al khabeesil khabs ar rijs al khabs ash sahaitan ir rajeem
Translation: O Allah I seek Your Protection from the accursed Satan and the defiled impurities) 
Recite the following supplication at the moment of emerging out of the house:
Bismillahi wa billahi aamanto billahi tawakkalto alallaha wa la haula wa la quwawata illa billa
Translation: In the name of Allah and with His Help I am proceeding on my errand. I have absolute Faith in the Great Allah and there is no power besides Him. 
ref:Ista'aaza; Seeking Allah's Protection from Satan

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Focus on your own

With so much anxiety and frustration coming one's way these days, it can be very easy to lose your akhlaq. As the world has become more fast paced, selfish and self centered it is easy to be disappointed or hurt by the behavior of people. In such times, its easy to feel if that person doesn't behave well with us, why should we? This can affect our behavior with our friends, family and even strangers. It more so effects when someone close to us hurst us or misbehaves with us.

The important thing to remember is the lesson taught to us by Ahlulbayt(s.a). To sum it up they always showed us that no matter how anyone behaves we should never shirk on our responsibilities and generosity. Once someone asked one of the Imam(a.s) that these people misbehave with you so much, yet you still answer their questions and help them? The Imam(a.s) replied that they may have forgotten that i am their Imam but i haven't forgotten that they are my followers.

Once when Imam Hassan Askari(a.s) was in the prison, a shia of the imam(a.s) managed to get 4 pomegranates to him. At that time, he was being guraded by a very cruel secuirty guard who always used to harass the imam(a.s).In those days imam(a.s) was only being fed 2 loaves of bread and cold water. After giving the fruit to the imam(a.s), the guard was giving hungry looks to the fruit. Imam(a.s) looked at the guard and told him to take one of the fruits. After sometime, the imam(a.s) notice that the guard still hadn't eaten the fruit, so he inquired. The guard replied that he was saving it for his kids. On hearing this the Imam(a.s) gave him the rest of the fruit as well so he could eat some himself and save the rest. Imagine the level of generosity...even though the guard forgot his akhlaq and responsibility, the Imam(a.s) remembered what he(a.s) had to do.

Sometimes we feel that our parents, our relatives or friends are being unfair and we start misbehaving. It is understandable more so in close family situations especially if you feel slighted or mistreated by your parents or some close relatives. At such times, we shouldn't give up hope and forget our manners. These people and relations might have forgotten their responsibilities BUT we shouldn't. Doing so will only earn us sins. We should trust Allah(swt) and preform our duties and responsibilities for HIS(swt) sake and trust only HIM to do right by us instead of basing our expectations on people.

 Keep your hand extended for the sake of Allah(swt).

Friday, 13 January 2012


It might seem as if i am shocked about too many things today based on my posts BUT really sometimes it gets to a point where you just cant keep quiet. Somethings are really irksome and saddening. Something like this happened yesterday. I was at a gathering and met a young girl aged around 12 or 13. When i met her she had a dupatta(scarf) on her head. I was happy to see that this young girl was covering her head whereas her parents didnt show any such inclination. My happiness turned to surprise after an hour or so when i saw her uncovered head.

I called her over and inquired as to what happened and she told me that one of her aunts told her to take off her scarf. I tried to tell her that its ok she can take it even if someone makes fun of her or forces it off her...she should remain stubborn on her stance. On this she felt that is she disobeyed her elders, even her parents might take the elder's side and scold her for covering. I was truly saddened by this. I mean what is the world coming to?! A young girl wants to be covered and feels gulity for not wearing hijab whereas the elders are forcing her on the wrong path?!

Have we forgotten the tragedy of Kerbala, the importance of Hijab taught to us by Bibi Zainab(a.s)...?! Who should be blamed when young kids are forced on the wrong path when they are just developing their character?! Please ask yourself if you are forcing someone to be on the right path or deviating them from it!!!

Measuring Worth?

Although things shouldn't surprise me but still i guess one never gets used to how the society is deteriorating and becoming more and more materialistic day by day. One of the prime examples is based on the fact how society measures the worth of individuals these days. While making friends, finding a spouse, becoming close with some family member or generally developing any form of social relationship, what would you consider as the most important factor? Faith, Akhlaq, Character OR the material wealth they possess? If you have chosen the latter then i am sorry to say you are not going to like where i am going with this post.

When people look at two people and wonder how they could be friends, be married or get along so well just because one might have more riches than the other really makes me surprised. Rather than thinking that how can these two be friends when one clearly has a greater level of eeman, they base it on money. The sad part is that society has brainwashed us so much that even we ourselves tend to judge ourselves based on our material wealth. Be honest with yourself and imagine if having more material good would make you feel better with the same level of eeman? What answer did you get? You dont need to reveal the answer to anyone, just be your own judge!

Have we forgotten the examples of Hazrat Behlool(r.a)? Who was better Hazrat Brehlool (r.a) or Haroon with all his wealth? Have you forgotten Hazrat Meesam-e-Tammar(r.a), Hazrat Bilal(r.a), Hazrat Qambar(r.a)? History has even shown some close companions of Imam Al-Asr(ajtf) to be cobblers. Do you think some wealthy people in their time were more worthy than these companions?

Qambar's name is often mentioned in the traditions. And he has been immortalised by the poetry lines of Imam 'Ali(a.s):
When I saw an unlawful thing, 
1 kindled a fire and called Qambar.

Imagine Imam Ali(a.s) saying that about someone! Now compare that with how you measure someone's worth and how Ahlulbayt(s.a) did?

Let's look at another incident which led to the revelation of a Quranic Ayat.

[Shakir 80:1] He frowned and turned (his) back,
[Shakir 80:2] Because there came to him the blind man.
[Shakir 80:3] And what would make you know that he would purify himself,
[Shakir 80:4] Or become reminded so that the reminder should profit him?
[Shakir 80:5] As for him who considers himself free from need (of you),
[Shakir 80:6] To him do you address yourself.
[Shakir 80:7] And no blame is on you if he would not purify himself
[Shakir 80:8] And as to him who comes to you striving hard,
[Shakir 80:9] And he fears,
[Shakir 80:10] From him will you divert yourself.
[Shakir 80:11] Nay! surely it is an admonishment.
The occasion for the revelation of this Chapter was a historic event which took place. Once the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HF) was with some the rich individuals of Quraish from the tribe of Umayad. While the Messenger of Allah was preaching them, Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktoom who was blind and was one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HF) came to see him. The Holy Prophet received him with honor and pleasure and gave him the closest place to himself. However, the Prophet did not answer the question of the blind immediately Since he was at the middle of his speech with the Qurashites. Since Abdullah was poor and blind, the chieftains of the Quraish looked down upon him and they did not like the honor and the respect bestowed upon him by the Prophet (PBUH&HF). They also did not like the presence of the blind among themselves and his interrupting their conversation with the Prophet (PBUH&HF). Finally one of the wealthy Umayad frowned at Abdullah and turned his back to him.
This act of the chieftains of Quraish displeased Allah and thus He revealed the Chapter 80 (Abas) through Gabriel at the same time. This Chapter commended Abdullah's position though poor and blind. In the first 4 verses, Allah denounced the detesting attitude of the chieftain of the Quraish. And in the later verses, Allah * reminds * his Prophet (PBUH&HF) that preaching an unbeliever is not necessary if the unbeliever does not intend to purify himself and offenses a believer just because of his lack of wealth and health.

There are many such incidents and people in history which show us how to truly measure the worth of a person. It's unfortunate that we have become so twisted in our beliefs and always look at the wrong criteria. Hopefully this can make some,if not all, realize that there needs to be a real big readjustment of attitude. Maybe it should start with ourselves first as maybe we also measure our own self worth based on the money we have. Learn to recognize the real gems!

May Allah(swt) guide us all...(ameen).

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Barzakh Series

This is the first part in the series. You can click on the link to find more videos about the journey in Barzakh.

Who are you?

Ali Murtaza Zaidi is one of the most knowledgeable and eloquent speakers in Pakistan. He has an uncanny ability to speak simply yet get his message across forcefully. Below i will be posting an excerpt from one of his lectures.

Once we enter this world we become so used to it that we start thinking that this is the place we will always be residing in. We start to love this world and grow very attached to it. It becomes very easy for us to forget about our real abode. What we easily forget is that "Dunya"(world) is the lowest stage where humans are sent. To understand this we can take the example of a clock. 12 can be taken as the highest point, a human starts from 1 goes to 2, 3,4,5 and finally falls to 6...the lowest ebb. This is the place Allah(swt) sends humans to be tested and prove themselves. This stage could be taken as a bonus round, where if you do
well you are awarded double the points BUT if you fail you face a very grave penalty. Same as the bonus round, Allah(swt) has made our stay in this world very short as compared to the other stages. Now its upon us that we can raise our level and rise back or stay stuck in this low ebb.

After death our eyes to this world close and we shed our physical body and only our soul is left. Upon dying a new reality is revealed to us, which is the reality of Alam-e-Barzakh. In that "Alam" or stage we have a soul and a "misal". This misal is unlike the physical body of this world; to understand better it could be likened to the physical existence of jinns. Its not as solid as the body of this world but more like a smoky state. The thing to note is that when we leave this world we think we might be humans, but we can't be more wrong. Upon opening our eyes in Barzakh we could take on the form of any animal which would reflect our habits adopted in Dunya. It's not so that this animal form was lacking when we were in this world, it was the veil on our eyes that prevented us from seeing the truth. Remember the example of Imam(a.s) when he showed one person that many people performing hajj((?) or umrah(?) were actually animals.

Question now arises that what would happen once we enter Barzakh. To understand clearly lets take the example of examinations. In schools we have a minimum passing level, say 50%, all the students progress who have marks greater than 50% but this does not mean that all are at the same level. In schools all such students are usually treated the same. This would not be so in Barzakh. If someone comes with 50% marks, he/she would have to get to 100% marks and then the counter would be reset to 0 for Barzakh. This person would then have to reach 100% marks for Barzakh and then progress forward. Now its upon you how short or long you make your barzakh. You do good in this world, and you pass Barzakh soon and vice versa.

People who come with negative marks, that is to say enter Barzakh in animal forms, would first have to get to 100%, i.e., take on the shape of humans and then they could progress on the barzakh marks. Now imagine how long of a journey this would be?! Imagine how short sighted we are that we extend our journey of Barzakh which could span over million years for a comparatively short life of this dunya.

It is this time that you look at yourself and analyze are you truly a human or an animal? You must be wondering how to do that. Its very easy, just look at your habits and see if you would be raised as a human or an animal. To see what habits we possess, do a little test. Look at the first action you perform. For example if answering or telling something, do you first get the urge to tell the truth or lie? If its lie, then that means that you have a habit of lying. Remember at this point that people who are raised not even as animals but as satans in Barzakh would be in trouble the most.

You must be wondering who would be raised as satan? Anyone who possess the habit of lying, manipulating and hypocrisy will be raised in the form of satan. From the incidents of Hazrat Adam(a.s) and Bibi Hajra(a.s) it could be seen that these are the three main characteristics Satan possess.

Now ask yourself who are you?

To listen to more of his lectures visit here:
Te become aware of and contribute to his ongoing projects visit here:

Hard Times...

The world is a volatile place, one day you feel secure basking in the love of someone and the next moment that love might convert to hate or indifference. Can anyone of us say with surety that the person we are depending on will remain the same? Is anyone a constant? It's human nature to seek love and look up to someone and when the expectations fall short, one has nothing left except disappointments. I may have mentioned this before as well BUT at times like this its only the treasure of duas that can help us. One such lovely dua is from Sahifa-e-Zahra(a.s).

All Praise is for Allah
He who does not forget one who remembers Him
and does not disappoint one who calls to Him
and does not cut the hopes of one who hopes in Him
The dua has only four lines, but just look at the depth of the meaning. It's only Allah(swt) one can look up to or rely on otherwise everything and everyone is a mirage. It's unfortunate that the mirage seems more real to us and hence we always land in a deep pit of disappointments and depression.

See this link for more such beautiful duas: