لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله
There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah.
Maybe its human tendency to try and always lean on someone or to search saviors in people. What we usually forget is that no one has absolute selflessness, love or mercy like Allah(swt). At one point or the other when the push comes to a shove, expectations fall flat and we are left grasping in thin air. What remains afterwards is nothing but sadness and hopelessness.
Wouldn't it be so much better that we take some pre-emptive measure and understand that no one can be trusted except Allah(swt)? You can give as much love and trust to anyone you want BUT it would be rather futile to expect the same from people in this world....after all everyone is just human.
That's why even Imam Ali(a.s) says in this dua:
O' my Allah! preserve (the grace of) my face with easiness of life and do not disgrace my countenance with destitution, lest I may have to beg a livelihood from those who beg from Thee, try to seek the favour of Thy evil creatures, engage myself in praising those who give to me, and be tempted in abusing those who do not give to me, although behind all these Thou art the master of giving and denying.
. . . Verily Thou over all things, art the All-powerful.(Qur'an, 66:8)Given the kind of conditions prevalent in this world, place all your trust in Allah(swt). At times it may seem difficult as people can be seen, and it becomes easier to ask them of stuff...BUT then remember the consequences. There is always a chance that someone might not have the zarf to do a good deed and not shove it back in your face.
I remember this narration vaguely, sorry if i don't narrate the exact version. Once one of the Imam's(a.s) was walking and saw a man leaning on the door of some person. Imam(a.s) asked the guy what he was doing. He replied i am needy and trying to ask for help. The imam(a.s) said let me take you to a better place, he took the man to a mosque and told him to bow down to Allah(swt) and ask for whatever he wanted.
To prevent all the heartaches, disappointments, just prostrate before Allah(swt), raise hands in dua. HE(swt) is the mighty and the powerful who can give peace and none other. InshaAllah may we all always rely on Allah(swt) and not have to bend infront of anyone.
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