The world is in a crazy race to make as much money as they want, reach the highest level of success YET i wonder at these people as they fail to recognize the true treasure. I feel it is one of the most elusive treasures of it all, its nothing other than INNER PEACE. One can have as many material things as they want, as much success as they like but can it guarantee inner peace? No!
One of the reasons the world has become such a messed up place full of anxiety, tension, worries, anger...all the negative emotions one can count is because of a lack of inner peace. As i write this i wish i could achieve that state of inner peace as well where nothing and no one affects me, no matter where i go or with whom i am, i always remain in a state of inner calm and peace. BUT *sigh* unfortunately as i said its an elusive treasure, bestowed upon those lucky few who manage to reach that state of neareness and piety to Allah(swt). We can strive for it i guess, well here are some useful things we can do to try and reach this state:
Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi writes:
In Ibid,. Khutab No. 220 it is written that:
Indeed, the hearts are at rest in God 's remembrance.(13:28)
When one talks about Imam Hussain(a.s) and nafs-e mutmainna, the following lines fit in perfectly to describe his sacrifice and spiritual state:
He did everything only for God, and so God also made him His own.[Ibid, Khutab No. 87]
ref: The Glimpses of Nahj al Balaghah Part III - Suluk and 'Ibadah
Piety is a very important thing which can heal an ailing heart. It sounds strange and at times we have to struggle a lot and the heart still aches BUT it takes time and is a difficult process, as the final reward is not very easy. So its all about striving continuously.
Certainly, fear of Allah (taqwa) is … the cure for the ailments of your bodies…[Imam Ali(a.s)-Ibid]
A person who has taqwa is satisfied with his limits and his rights, feels calm and confident, and has inner peace. This results in a healthier heart; tensions will not cause him to suffer from stomach ulcers and from pain in his intestines. The well-being of his body, social life, and spirit all depend on taqwa.
ref:Taqwa and Health
May we all achieve Inner Peace and tranquility and always remain on the straight path(ameen).
Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi writes:
A person can achieve inner peace by creating harmony and balance between his main emotions (desire and anger) and his spiritual self. In other words, between his emotions and his conscience.ref:An Introduction to Islam
Human's spiritual power or conscience is not a static phenomenon: it has the ability of growth as well as decadence. God swears by the soul of human being and says, "He inspired to it to understand what is good and what is evil. Prosperous in the person who purifies it, and failed is he who seduces it." (Qur'an; chp. 91, verse 10).
In Ibid,. Khutab No. 220 it is written that:
He has revived his intellect and slain his self, until his body became lean and its bulkiness shrunk, and stubborness turned into tenderness (of heart). Then an effulgence, like a thunderbolt, descended his heart and illuminated the path before him, opening all the doors, and led him straight into the gateway of Peace. Now his feet, carrying his body, are firmly rooted in the position of safety (on the Sirat) and comfort because he kept his heart busy with good deeds and won the good pleasure of his God.As we can see the passage above talks about the self struggle against one's nafs and drowning oneself in piety and righteousness. Its one of the greater Jihad's and thats why achieving inner peace is not easy. It says in the Quran:
Indeed, the hearts are at rest in God 's remembrance.(13:28)
When one talks about Imam Hussain(a.s) and nafs-e mutmainna, the following lines fit in perfectly to describe his sacrifice and spiritual state:
He did everything only for God, and so God also made him His own.[Ibid, Khutab No. 87]
ref: The Glimpses of Nahj al Balaghah Part III - Suluk and 'Ibadah
Piety is a very important thing which can heal an ailing heart. It sounds strange and at times we have to struggle a lot and the heart still aches BUT it takes time and is a difficult process, as the final reward is not very easy. So its all about striving continuously.
Certainly, fear of Allah (taqwa) is … the cure for the ailments of your bodies…[Imam Ali(a.s)-Ibid]
A person who has taqwa is satisfied with his limits and his rights, feels calm and confident, and has inner peace. This results in a healthier heart; tensions will not cause him to suffer from stomach ulcers and from pain in his intestines. The well-being of his body, social life, and spirit all depend on taqwa.
ref:Taqwa and Health
May we all achieve Inner Peace and tranquility and always remain on the straight path(ameen).
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