Sunday, 27 November 2011

What is your answer...?!

When imam(a.s) was about to leave for the battle of Kerbala, he invited many people. Some were invited through a general invitation, some through a messenger and some personally. There were many who refused, or let go of this opportunity to help Yabna Zahra(a.s). When we think about these people, we feel shocked that how can someone refuse to help Imam(a.s) in his jihad. We wonder at these people and their thought process that they might commit such an immense mistake. But stop, look at yourself and tell me if you aren't refusing imam(a.s)'s invitation for jihad as well....?!

At that time imam(a.s) needed people for physical battle BUT even now imam(a.s)'s invitation is open for us, not for a physical battle but for a mental one, a battle against our nafs, our nafs-e ammara. Are we accepting his invitation to fight this battle, or are we like those people who shock us? Are we also refusing imam(a.s)'s invitation?

Dear brothers and sisters, its the start of Muharam, remember the call of "Hal min nasir yan sur na"...?! That invitation is for all times, to come...don't make the same mistake as people of the past and let go of this opportunity. Take this month to answer imam(a.s)'s call, battle your nafs, let go of your sins and try to become some one whom the imam(a.s) would be proud to call his(a.s) Shia. Become someone who brings a smile to imam(ajtf)'s face and not tears to his eyes.

Next time when you start stepping towards a sin, let the echo of hal min nasir yansur na resound in your ear!

Condolences to everyone especially Imam Al-Asr(ajtf) on the start of muharram.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Yet Another day...

Another Friday has come, Yet we are without our master Imam Al-Asr(ajtf).
The world continues to spiral into darkness, misery increases, Yet we are still alone.
How many more breaths till he(ajtf) comes?
How long till we have to tolerate this world and its injustice?
Is their anyone who can end this miserable and unjust existence in this world?
Can anyone get up and claim that they can fix all that is wrong in this world?

If not then how come we sleep at night peacefully and don't ponder over the reasons for delay in his(ajtf) reappearance? How is it that when some loved and dear one is away and we are unable to contact them for some time, we get anxious, sleepless, worried, depressed, yet here the one who matters, the light of every momin's eyes, the peace of heart, the absolute love is missing and we are not bothered? Does it not bring tears to your eyes, to think that the next moment will be without him(ajtf) as well? Does not the heart sink at this thought?

Think about it! Are we responsible for our misery? Is it our sins, our actions?
Think about it before our existence and life becomes more of a hellhole!

Where are you O Imam(ajtf), the heart is empty without you...:'(...?!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Whose isolating?

Yesterday i was listening to this lecture by Ali Murtaza Zaidi and he said a very thought provoking thing. He said that since Satan can't deviate the Aima(a.s) or the Masoomeen(s.a), he tries to deviate the people around them. Here these people are the followers or the potential followers.

If these people get deviated that means, the Aima(a.s) are left without any followers and essentially left all alone. Look at the example of Imam Musa Kadhim(a.s), he spent most of his time in jail and yet none of his followers were able to get him free. If thats not putting the Imam(a.s) in a position of isolation than what is?
Are we doing the same to Imam Al-Hujjah(ajtf) when we let Satan deviate us, when we miss our prayers, lie, manipulate, backbite, don't do hijab, listen to music etc etc. Whose side are we helping, the Imam's(a.s) or the Satan's?!

Please think about it...the enemies have already been a source of sadness for the Ahlulbayt(s.a) YOU want to be as well...?!

You can listen to the complete lecture here(in urdu): Self Building - Khud Saazi - Lecture 1 - AMZ - Urdu

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Priceless Treasure

The world is in a crazy race to make as much money as they want, reach the highest level of success YET i wonder at these people as they fail to recognize the true treasure. I feel it is one of the most elusive treasures of it all, its nothing other than INNER PEACE. One can have as many material things as they want, as much success as they like but can it guarantee inner peace? No!
One of the reasons the world has become such a messed up place full of anxiety, tension, worries, anger...all the negative emotions one can count is because of a lack of inner peace. As i write this i wish i could achieve that state of inner peace as well where nothing and no one affects me, no matter where i go or with whom i am, i always remain in a state of inner calm and peace. BUT *sigh* unfortunately as i said its an elusive treasure, bestowed upon those lucky few who manage to reach that state of neareness and piety to Allah(swt). We can strive for it i guess, well here are some useful things we can do to try and reach this state:

Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi writes:
A person can achieve inner peace by creating harmony and balance between his main emotions (desire and anger) and his spiritual self. In other words, between his emotions and his conscience.
Human's spiritual power or conscience is not a static phenomenon: it has the ability of growth as well as decadence. God swears by the soul of human being and says, "He inspired to it to understand what is good and what is evil. Prosperous in the person who purifies it, and failed is he who seduces it." (Qur'an; chp. 91, verse 10).
ref:An Introduction to Islam

In Ibid,. Khutab No. 220  it is written that:
He has revived his intellect and slain his self, until his body became lean and its bulkiness shrunk, and stubborness turned into tenderness (of heart). Then an effulgence, like a thunderbolt, descended his heart and illuminated the path before him, opening all the doors, and led him straight into the gateway of Peace. Now his feet, carrying his body, are firmly rooted in the position of safety (on the Sirat) and comfort because he kept his heart busy with good deeds and won the good pleasure of his God. 
As we can see the passage above talks about the self struggle against one's nafs and drowning oneself in piety and righteousness. Its one of the greater Jihad's and thats why achieving inner peace is not easy. It says in the Quran:
Indeed, the hearts are at rest in God 's remembrance.(13:28) 

When one talks about Imam Hussain(a.s) and nafs-e mutmainna, the following lines fit in perfectly to describe his sacrifice and spiritual state:
He did everything only for God, and so God also made him His own.[IbidKhutab No. 87]
ref: The Glimpses of Nahj al Balaghah Part III - Suluk and 'Ibadah

Piety is a very important thing which can heal an ailing heart. It sounds strange and at times we have to struggle a lot and the heart still aches BUT it takes time and is a difficult process, as the final reward is not very easy. So its all about striving continuously.

Certainly, fear of Allah (taqwa) is … the cure for the ailments of your bodies…[Imam Ali(a.s)-Ibid]
A person who has taqwa is satisfied with his limits and his rights, feels calm and confident, and has inner peace. This results in a healthier heart; tensions will not cause him to suffer from stomach ulcers and from pain in his intestines. The well-being of his body, social life, and spirit all depend on taqwa.
ref:Taqwa and Health

May we all achieve Inner Peace and tranquility and always remain on the straight path(ameen).

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Priceless Pearls

There comes a time in life when a man is left with nothing, no material greatness, no sincere friends, relatives etc. At a time like this its very easy to fall into despair, to look at one's empty hands and feel worthless. It's human to look at others in their adornments and comforts and feel a sense of lowness in one's own self worth.

At times like this we forget a very important treasure which we might not be able to see but it exists nonetheless. It's the treasure of duas.  It's that hidden treasure which we forget we even have. So whenever you feel worthless and empty handed, just raise your hands, pick up these priceless pearls and realize how rich you truly are. This is one treasure that you will never run out of. Ahlulbayt(s.a) have left us with such an immense treasure that it might not even compare to the riches of the whole world combined.

Sometimes it's difficult to believe in what we don't see, or something that's intangible, but isn't that what self struggle is all about? Isn't this the path we need to take to reach a higher spiritual state? If we can truly believe in the existence of these treasures, we will never feel poor or destitute. If you just have sahifa e kamila(sahiffa e sajjadiya), mafatih ul Jinnah etc at homes, consider yourself the richest.