Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Is Pakistan not a Muslim country? Was Imam Hussain(a.s) not the grandson of Holy Prophet(saww)? Did the Prophet(saww) not love him? What in the freakin hell is then the problem with people that they kill innocent people just because they love family of Holy Prophet(saww)? Since when has it become a crime?
What is wrong with the people of this nation? Why have they become dead and insensitive to the continuous atrocities? May Lanat fall for eternity on the killers and the like of them...May they rot in hell forever and ever.

Wake up people before its too late. Stand up for your rights and see whats happening. Don't close your eyes, your blood is not cheap. See what the enemy is doing! Please for heaven sake before its too late to counter the damage!

See the pictures below and think about the families who are left behind? Does your heart not cry at these images? Aren't you a little bit saddened? Or are you still going to go on with your frivolous life style, go visit expensive restaurants, spend on designer clothes, dance to Bollywood songs while your sisters and brothers in faith are killed? Are you not becoming part of oppressors as well?


  1. Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi rajioun :(

    It is often said, that one who does not stand against oppression, is one of the oppressors. Like Martin Luther King says, it is not the words of our enemies we will remember, but the silence of our friends.

    Sometimes though, perhaps the silence and 'tolerance' of a bad situation arises from true inability to do anything. We must also understand that it is suicidal to get into an impetus for change which we are not ready for. Look how long it took before the people of Iran were ready for a revolution? How many decades had the scholars been preparing people for the moment. There is nothing quite as dangerous as attempting change before its time has come. Like the hadith says, if you cannot stop wrong with your hand, then you hate it in your heart (which is a lower level of imaan.. but if thats what you are ready for, what more can be said?)

    Thanks for the reminder sis <3

  2. Sis you have put it beautifully. Sometimes silence is what adds us in the ranks of the oppressors. And i agree that without a base, revolution cant take place. Although i feel in Pakistan, its mostly about apathy rather than the ground not being ripe enough. Enemy only attacks if it thinks we are weak within our own ranks. It's harder to break a straw then a whole bunch of straws.
