Tuesday, 27 September 2011
World is a Prison
Holy Prophet(pbuh) has narrated : "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever".
No matter how lovely this world might seem to many, its nothing compared to what would be offered in the hereafter.
Imam Ali(a.s) has narrated : "To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you."
Keep such narrations in mind and do not be attracted by this world. Always view it as an evil thing. Only then will you be able to bear the tests and trials of this world with patience. After all who expects comfort from a prison or soothing effect from poison, right?!
No matter how lovely this world might seem to many, its nothing compared to what would be offered in the hereafter.
Imam Ali(a.s) has narrated : "To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you."
Keep such narrations in mind and do not be attracted by this world. Always view it as an evil thing. Only then will you be able to bear the tests and trials of this world with patience. After all who expects comfort from a prison or soothing effect from poison, right?!
Monday, 26 September 2011
Good disposition
Now let us look what Islam teaches us to do in such conditions. We can look at examples from the lives of Ahlul Bayt(s.a) and Quran to learn.
Once A man asked the Holy Prophet: “What is the best of all actions”? The Holy Prophet replied: “Akhlaq”.
The Holy Prophet(saww) has also said: " you should create within yourself the Akhlaq(behavior) of Allah". For example Allah(swt) is merciful: we should be merciful to others. Allah(swt) is forgiving: we should also forgive others when they are at fault. Allah(swt) treats even his enemies with love and magnanimity, we should also do likewise.
ref:On Akhlaq
In a tradition in which Holy Prophet(saww) narrates the true characteristics of a believer he says: ”(The complete true believer is one who) is sweeter than honey; and is stronger than the outside of a rock; and who does not expose the secrets that people confide in him; and if he himself finds out something about other people, he does not expose this information.”
ref:Characteristics of a True Believer– Part V
ref:Characteristics of a True Believer– Part V
If we focus on the first part it talks about honey. This means that whoever comes in contact with honey feels a sweetness. Believers should be the same way. Imagine this: if honey was put in something sour, it would turn it sweet. This means that if we come in contact with unpleasant people, we should not let ourselves become unpleasant rather we should act like honey and counter affect their sourness. This is a very difficult thing, but as a wise friend said, practice makes perfect. So the next time, you meet someone rude or mean, think of it as a practice situation.
It may be hard BUT with practice may Allah(swt) give us taufeeq to be patient and kind to those who do wrong unto us....(ameen).
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Is Pakistan not a Muslim country? Was Imam Hussain(a.s) not the grandson of Holy Prophet(saww)? Did the Prophet(saww) not love him? What in the freakin hell is then the problem with people that they kill innocent people just because they love family of Holy Prophet(saww)? Since when has it become a crime?
What is wrong with the people of this nation? Why have they become dead and insensitive to the continuous atrocities? May Lanat fall for eternity on the killers and the like of them...May they rot in hell forever and ever.
Wake up people before its too late. Stand up for your rights and see whats happening. Don't close your eyes, your blood is not cheap. See what the enemy is doing! Please for heaven sake before its too late to counter the damage!
See the pictures below and think about the families who are left behind? Does your heart not cry at these images? Aren't you a little bit saddened? Or are you still going to go on with your frivolous life style, go visit expensive restaurants, spend on designer clothes, dance to Bollywood songs while your sisters and brothers in faith are killed? Are you not becoming part of oppressors as well?
What is wrong with the people of this nation? Why have they become dead and insensitive to the continuous atrocities? May Lanat fall for eternity on the killers and the like of them...May they rot in hell forever and ever.
Wake up people before its too late. Stand up for your rights and see whats happening. Don't close your eyes, your blood is not cheap. See what the enemy is doing! Please for heaven sake before its too late to counter the damage!
See the pictures below and think about the families who are left behind? Does your heart not cry at these images? Aren't you a little bit saddened? Or are you still going to go on with your frivolous life style, go visit expensive restaurants, spend on designer clothes, dance to Bollywood songs while your sisters and brothers in faith are killed? Are you not becoming part of oppressors as well?
Monday, 19 September 2011
Why limit?
[Shakir 2:156] Who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return.
The above verse has somehow been limited to being recited when someone dies, how is it that we have failed to understand its true meaning and just limited it to a certain area. Isn't it like the same treatment we have given to Quran? Either we recite it at someone's death or give it as a gift on weddings.
Only if this verse is applied to our lives, we'll bring a revolution within ourselves, our house and our community. The only thing is to understand its true meaning. That's the power of Quran, a single verse is revolutionary and carries an ocean of knowledge and wisdom within it.
You must be wondering how this can change our lives? Well if you truly start believing that we are from Allah(swt) and to him we shall return, would something else matter than? Would we run after this temporary world? would we give in to our desires for the sake of this temporary abode? If we know we are slaves of Allah(swt), people, things, places nothing would hold any meaning. Only the happiness of Allah(swt) would matter because we would know that's the final place we will end up in.
Therefore don't limit this great verse, keep it in your head at all times. We are like trustees of Allah(swt) in this world, so don't mishandle what you have been given. All the tangible as well as intangible are the property of Allah(swt). Take proper care of it and return them in their true and uncorrupted form to the true Owner.
InshaAllah may we all realize our true destination...ameen.
The above verse has somehow been limited to being recited when someone dies, how is it that we have failed to understand its true meaning and just limited it to a certain area. Isn't it like the same treatment we have given to Quran? Either we recite it at someone's death or give it as a gift on weddings.
Only if this verse is applied to our lives, we'll bring a revolution within ourselves, our house and our community. The only thing is to understand its true meaning. That's the power of Quran, a single verse is revolutionary and carries an ocean of knowledge and wisdom within it.
You must be wondering how this can change our lives? Well if you truly start believing that we are from Allah(swt) and to him we shall return, would something else matter than? Would we run after this temporary world? would we give in to our desires for the sake of this temporary abode? If we know we are slaves of Allah(swt), people, things, places nothing would hold any meaning. Only the happiness of Allah(swt) would matter because we would know that's the final place we will end up in.
Therefore don't limit this great verse, keep it in your head at all times. We are like trustees of Allah(swt) in this world, so don't mishandle what you have been given. All the tangible as well as intangible are the property of Allah(swt). Take proper care of it and return them in their true and uncorrupted form to the true Owner.
InshaAllah may we all realize our true destination...ameen.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Home is where...
WHY? Because our heart is not there! Can a body exist without a heart?! When their isn't any heart we are no better than zombies. So the questions arises, "are we home", "are we where our heart is"?! Have we ever stopped from this rut of our lives and asked ourselves this question?
The next point that comes up is where to find our heart, where to find this home? Let us look at the Quran to find an answer. It says in the Quran:
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ {28}
[Shakir 13:28] Those who believe and whose hearts are set at rest by the remembrance of Allah; now surely by Allah's remembrance are the hearts set at rest.
This shows that our heart should be where Allah(swt) is, if this won't be so, we will never find peace. So you won't find real home anywhere or you could find it everywhere. This means that if you have Allah(swt) in your heart, the bleakest of places, environment can become your sanctuary. Once when one of the Aima(a.s) was being put in prison he didn't say any thing negative rather stated that he is lucky to be getting so much time alone to worship Allah(swt). See how a heart that has Allah(swt) always remains at peace.
On the other hand look at us, no matter where we go, how many comfortable things we get, we are always looking for something more. We are always in need of that *tiny* little "more" to fill that hole in our heart but unfortunately it never does.
Look at some of these other ayah's, so that the point becomes more clear.
[Shakir 8:45] O you who believe! when you meet a party, then be firm, and remember Allah much, that you may be successful.
Shakir 4:175] Then as for those who believe in Allah and hold fast by Him, He will cause them to enter into His mercy and grace and guide them to Himself on a right path.
Therefore dear brothers and sisters, don't try to find solace in material things, extreme sports, thrilling events, music etc. None of this is going to give you what you desire. Listen to the heart and try to find the true Home. Find the path that leads their and don't stop till you reach Home.
InshaAllah May allah(swt) guide us to our true home and destination...Ameen.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Journey of Love
I don't think i could have described my experience of ziyarat in words but my very talented friend Habib proved otherwise. Here is a poem she wrote for me...=). Go visit her blog(scentedscroll) for more of her poems, mashAllah she is very talented.
The Journey of Love
A lover’s footsteps can be traced along this path,
Wrought with dangers, placed by those who seek;
by their actions and words, to extinguish this love.
But the call has been made; and the lover must obey,
Despite the thorns that wish to make her stumble,
Her anxiously fevered heart cooled by the thought of the return,
Returning her to a land she has never visited,
Except in her dreams…
The first step on the soil of Qom,
Like the resting of one’s head on a mother’s lap,
A shelter of love and affection; yet, at the same time,
A myriad of emotions, like a pandoras box opened up:
Love, Peace, Joy, and Sadness.
Yet, the journey is only beginning,
The source of love has not been visited:
The pure sister of the lonely Imam.
As one approaches the spot where she lays,
The heart is overcome by grief,
And the eyes overflow with tears,
Overwhelmed by the humbling effect of being so close,
To one whose faith and purity was known far and wide,
A reminder like a ray in the dark evil world.
For once the lover feels at home,
Like the heart has found the place of its rest; and
As the head prostrates on the cool marble floor,
Sending out a soothing energy,
The heat within me subsides, extinguished.
Time loses all meaning; and
Hours rushed by like seconds.
A place of new perceptions,
Where problems, hardships and anxiety,
Suddenly look like mirages,
Disappearing at the proximity with the pure ones,
And the heart takes root,
Despairing at the thought of ever having to leave,
For now, heaven’s doors open wide,
For now, the moment is mine.
Dreams only last because they will end,
Reality breaking through, dragging you from home,
The journey to the beloved must come to an end.
Grief like a gushing fountain of water drenches the lover,
Like that of a child torn away from their parents.
The heartbreak subsides only through hope,
That I came once, I will surely return again.
Will you turn away the hopeless who has found peace with you?
Will you chase the beggar whose needs you fulfilled?
I tear my body away with a whispered prayer,
By your grace,
Let me visit again, allow me to return home.
Away from home, the lost is left wandering,
The need to return blots all meaning from life.
How am I to bear this separation?
How is this feeble heart to tolerate this grief?
When will I be back?
When will I cleanse my soul at the waters of your tomb?
How long will I be able to bear the weight of the dust,
Of sins and the pretensions of this world?
How long?
Please make it soon,
Before I am lost…
Lost forever in this dust.
A lover’s footsteps can be traced along this path,
Wrought with dangers, placed by those who seek;
by their actions and words, to extinguish this love.
But the call has been made; and the lover must obey,
Despite the thorns that wish to make her stumble,
Her anxiously fevered heart cooled by the thought of the return,
Returning her to a land she has never visited,
Except in her dreams…
The first step on the soil of Qom,
Like the resting of one’s head on a mother’s lap,
A shelter of love and affection; yet, at the same time,
A myriad of emotions, like a pandoras box opened up:
Love, Peace, Joy, and Sadness.
Yet, the journey is only beginning,
The source of love has not been visited:
The pure sister of the lonely Imam.
As one approaches the spot where she lays,
The heart is overcome by grief,
And the eyes overflow with tears,
Overwhelmed by the humbling effect of being so close,
To one whose faith and purity was known far and wide,
A reminder like a ray in the dark evil world.
For once the lover feels at home,
Like the heart has found the place of its rest; and
As the head prostrates on the cool marble floor,
Sending out a soothing energy,
The heat within me subsides, extinguished.
Time loses all meaning; and
Hours rushed by like seconds.
A place of new perceptions,
Where problems, hardships and anxiety,
Suddenly look like mirages,
Disappearing at the proximity with the pure ones,
And the heart takes root,
Despairing at the thought of ever having to leave,
For now, heaven’s doors open wide,
For now, the moment is mine.
Dreams only last because they will end,
Reality breaking through, dragging you from home,
The journey to the beloved must come to an end.
Grief like a gushing fountain of water drenches the lover,
Like that of a child torn away from their parents.
The heartbreak subsides only through hope,
That I came once, I will surely return again.
Will you turn away the hopeless who has found peace with you?
Will you chase the beggar whose needs you fulfilled?
I tear my body away with a whispered prayer,
By your grace,
Let me visit again, allow me to return home.
Away from home, the lost is left wandering,
The need to return blots all meaning from life.
How am I to bear this separation?
How is this feeble heart to tolerate this grief?
When will I be back?
When will I cleanse my soul at the waters of your tomb?
How long will I be able to bear the weight of the dust,
Of sins and the pretensions of this world?
How long?
Please make it soon,
Before I am lost…
Lost forever in this dust.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
This may sound very over dramatic to people but after watching Mukhtar Nameh(The Mukhtar Series) i have literally gotten goose bumps and a very unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach. Watching the events of that time in live pictures have really brought the message home for me.
We think we have loyalty to Alhulbayt(s.a) and would be willing to sacrifice our lives for them BUT how true is that? Looking at the series when the loyalist of people started questioning the actions of Imam(a.s), when people easily sold their eeman for gold, for security...can we say we have enough strength of eeman to not fall in these traps. When the call is made to choose the right side would we be able to give up the comfort of our house, be willing to sacrifice our lives? Do we have enough strength to go against the majority and even if the future looks bleak be ready to fight for the truth.
It's easy to say Al Ajal Ya Imam(ajtf) or Labbayk Ya Hussain(a.s) BUT do we truly mean it ?! The series has really made me realize how weak a person is, how easy it is to fall prey to the "whispering of the Satan"!
What can we do...how can we strengthen ourselves?! How can we ever be sure we will choose the right path when the push comes to a shove? Is that why Ghaybat doesn't end? Are our Al Ajal Ya Imam(ajtf) not from our heart...are we also like the weak willed people shown in this series?!
Ya Allah(swt) protect us...*cry*...strengthen our faith...Ameen...:(
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Reality of this world
Many times the reality of this world confuses us. We often wonder why we have to take certain actions when we don't even see any tangible results for it. Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani in one of his lectures explained it beautifully.
When an embryo is developing in the womb, it develops limbs, eyes, ears, tongue etc. Now if the embryo was given reasoning it would wonder why it would need eyes while its in the womb as there is nothing to see. Why would tongue be needed, when there is no need to speak? Why digestive system, mouth when its not eating anything from there?
It's only after the embryo becomes a baby and is born that it realizes the importance of all the organs. This world is the same as a mother's womb BUT rather than the development of the physical body, its a place for the development of the soul. Actions like speaking the truth, salat, fasts are all actions that help in the development of the soul for the afterlife. Right now it might me difficult to see what the purpose of saying Salat five times a day is, it would be truly appreciated when one dies and the reality becomes clear.
For example someone who doesn't pray would be blinded because he/she would have failed to perform salat which leads to appreciation of Allah(swt) and his attributes and hence towards the development and recognition of the true master. This recognition would help him/her in the hereafter.
This issue of salat is very important for those who think Ahlul Bayt(s.a) would intercede on their behalf no matter what their action. From a narration of Holy Prophet(pbuh) it's said that one who doesn't value salat would not meet him(pbuh) at the pond of kawthar. Sixth Imam(a.s) has also stated that intercession will not reach the one who pays little value to Salat.
Open your eyes and see the reality of this world before its too late and we are left blinded, mute, deaf and dumb in the hereafter.
When an embryo is developing in the womb, it develops limbs, eyes, ears, tongue etc. Now if the embryo was given reasoning it would wonder why it would need eyes while its in the womb as there is nothing to see. Why would tongue be needed, when there is no need to speak? Why digestive system, mouth when its not eating anything from there?
It's only after the embryo becomes a baby and is born that it realizes the importance of all the organs. This world is the same as a mother's womb BUT rather than the development of the physical body, its a place for the development of the soul. Actions like speaking the truth, salat, fasts are all actions that help in the development of the soul for the afterlife. Right now it might me difficult to see what the purpose of saying Salat five times a day is, it would be truly appreciated when one dies and the reality becomes clear.
For example someone who doesn't pray would be blinded because he/she would have failed to perform salat which leads to appreciation of Allah(swt) and his attributes and hence towards the development and recognition of the true master. This recognition would help him/her in the hereafter.
This issue of salat is very important for those who think Ahlul Bayt(s.a) would intercede on their behalf no matter what their action. From a narration of Holy Prophet(pbuh) it's said that one who doesn't value salat would not meet him(pbuh) at the pond of kawthar. Sixth Imam(a.s) has also stated that intercession will not reach the one who pays little value to Salat.
Open your eyes and see the reality of this world before its too late and we are left blinded, mute, deaf and dumb in the hereafter.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
After reading this above item i have been shocked at the level of propaganda. First shia are killed everyday in the country and then they are the ones that are implicated in crimes. And the funniest thing is that hezb which doesnt have any presence in Pakistan is named here.
And even funnier than that is the fact that while shia are killed everyday, some so called fictional shia group would train shia guys to look banks and create mayhem in Karachi while their brothers and sisters die in Parachinar. None of it makes any sense.
While the terrorists roam free and are freed everyday, victims are made out to be the terrorist. MashAllah at the level of justice in the country!
After reading this above item i have been shocked at the level of propaganda. First shia are killed everyday in the country and then they are the ones that are implicated in crimes. And the funniest thing is that hezb which doesnt have any presence in Pakistan is named here.
And even funnier than that is the fact that while shia are killed everyday, some so called fictional shia group would train shia guys to look banks and create mayhem in Karachi while their brothers and sisters die in Parachinar. None of it makes any sense.
While the terrorists roam free and are freed everyday, victims are made out to be the terrorist. MashAllah at the level of justice in the country!
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