Thursday, 4 August 2011


Once a Jew came to Imam Ali(a.s) in time of his khilafat and pointing at his chain mail armor said this is mine. He said he won't leave till Imam Ali(a.s) presented this matter to a judge. Imam(a.s) went with him and the judge seeing the chain mail armor in the hand of the Jew declared it to be his. Imam Ali(a.s) handed the armor to the Jew.
The Jew seeing this fell at the feet of Imam(a.s) and said i just acted this way to see if this is indeed the religion propehsized by Hazart Musa(a.s). And said that this armor is indeed yours, i laid a false claim.

Think about this incident! If this isn't the height of humbleness then what is?! This man who held the khilafat over Rome and Persia. This man about whom the Holy Prophet(pbuh) said that all the prophets are under my banner and this banner is held by Imam Ali(a.s). Imagine...he not only had the spiritual superiority but also this worldly superiority YET he was humble enough to go along with someone when they even laid a false claim.

Can you comprehend this?

Ponder over this and think about it when you feel superior and look down upon people just because you learned 5 things about Islam. Learn a lesson from the life of Imam Ali(a.s) instead of just paying lip service. True love comes not from words BUT from displaying some action!

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