Saturday, 23 July 2011

Call of God

Usually whenever we hear the sound of Azaan, we keep on sitting and go pray salat at our time of leisure. This often happens when we have watched our favorite TV shows, talked to friends on phone/internet etc. Have we ever stopped and pondered that what exactly is the sound of azaan? Its a call to us by Allah(swt). As one scholar put it when our cell rings, do we delay in picking up or do we do so at the first bell? Why is it so important to accept the call of a person at the first instant and Allah(swt) call at the most delayed time.

Imagine how much effort people make to meet prime ministers, presidents, high ranking officials etc. So many calls and connections need to be made in order to get just 5 minutes of their time. Imagine how many lines people stand in just to get a chance to meet these people and ask for their need. Now look at Allah(swt), the highest authority, the Creator, yet its his rehmat that he allows us audience with him 5 times a day. What effort do we have to make? Just ablution(wudhu) and stand in front of him. Pray about anything we want. Yet we dont utilize this opportunity. Makes one wonder at our stupidity...doesn't it?! We have a chance to meet the most Powerfull, the Almighty yet we let it go, we don't jump at the opportunity.

Isn't it time we asked ourselves(me including) that what in the world is wrong with us? why can't we see the truth.
O Master of Time, Imam Al-Asr(ajtf) please intercede on our behalf and remove this veil of darkness from our hearts which doesn't let us realize whats the best thing for us...Ameen.

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