Thursday, 19 April 2012

Not human...?!

A nice breeze was blowing, the weather was lovely and delicious smell of grilled kebabs and tikkas was wafting through the air, making the mouth water when suddenly my eyes fell on a young boy sitting on the darkened steps of a closed shop, crying and rubbing his eyes.

 Don't worry this isn't a scene out of some fictional drama, rather it is the reality of Pakistan that i witnessed less than 30 minutes ago!

What has this country become, heaven for some and hell for others. The great big politicians, the fancy elites don't care if 90% of the country is without electricity, water, gas or food. Would it be wrong to ask someone that how the kebab go down their throat when they see that boy crying on the stairs? Or is it not their fault and they simply missed him on those steps? I don't know what the answer is but it is definitely a lesson for everyone.

Think about this young boy when you whine the next time you aren't able to get some luxurious item, or when you make a face at some dish on your table just because you didn't like it. Think very hard the next time you waste food on your plate, or make  a face at 20 dresses hanging in your closet just because they are 2 months old.

How many times do you sit and ponder over such kids? Does it break your heart to see such scenes?

O Imam(ajtf) it is another eve of Friday and the world is still without you, the oppression is increasing. O imam(ajtf) please come soon...he heart cries for you.

First thought or After thought...?!

You know how sometimes we feel so bad because we realize that we are nothing but an after thought for people...its only when they get free from all the other things, wrap up their pending businesses that they realize that you also exist. When such a realization comes how our heart breaks and then we start feeling sorry for ourselves or start moments of these negative thoughts and self pity have you ever reflected that whether Islam has also become an after thought for you?!

Is it so that when you finish all your other activities that you start praying even if it means praying 5 minutes before the salat gets qadha?

Or do you make time to read a dua/Quran only when you feel you have nothing else to do or no other matter to attend to?

Does it happen often that you push a religious book, text or some fiqh related reading at the back of the shelf until you get done with all the other readings?

If the answer to all such questions is "YES"...then before falling victim to self-pity and negative thoughts try to analyze why something that was supposed to be the most important thing for you has become an after thought?! An example given by a zakira once really got to me; she said that when our cell phone rings we get an urgent need to answer it at the first call BUT when we hear Adhan and we are called towards Allah(swt) we ignore it and choose the last moment to answer it. Have you ever thought why this is so? Is there someone more important than Allah(swt) that you need to answer to?
Before delving into why we have become an after thought, ponder over the fact that why has Islam become an after thought for you...!!!